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Papa che rimorchia Paris Hilton

American Psycho

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American Psycho

Mentre ieri notte finivo di leggere the game ho notato la storia del sarge a paris hilton e ho cercato il report sul forum dove postava papa e l'ho trovato (davvero divertente).

Titolo: FR: The Seduction of Paris Hilton (Part II: Paris Kisses Papa)

So I am at home wondering what I should do for the night as I am

home alone for the first time since I've been at Project Hollywood,

which really sucked. Suddenly, I am startled out of my moping with a

real emotional roller-coaster as I receive a phone call from


Papa: Yo, what's up?

Playboy: Papa, Paris Hilton is here. I am at the Coffee Bean & Tea

Leaf. She just walked by and sat down at an Italian Restaurant next-

door. She's wearing a hot lil green dress.

Papa: Who is she with?

Playboy: One guy and one girl.

Papa: Ok. Thanks, bro.

I hangup the phone and immediately go to my closet to change out of

my sweatshirt and jeans, and into some nice clothes so that I can

quickly get down the hill and approach Paris. This is why I play the

Game. This is what I've been working so hard for. It's about finding

that time when you want to get your 100% Perfect Girl or bring that

one particular high-quality girl into your life just the way you

want it. Now, it's time to take what is mine. I put on my Armani

jeans, white-collared Marcs shirt (a Sydney clothing-line favorite),

my shiny silver shoes from Zu (an Australian line from Sydney), and

shiny black Versache sportscoat jacket. I'm thinking to

myself, "Wow. It's a 3-set in a restaurant. Just gotta go down there

and see how to open this. This is what all my training has come to.

This moment. The time is now. Let's play."

Twentysix walks into the room.

Papa: Hey, Paris Hilton is here.

TwentySix: Yeah. Where here?

Papa: Yeah, she's outside. She's downstairs.

TwentySix: What is she doing here. She's downstairs here.

Papa: No, she's outside. She's at the restaurant downstairs in the

outside area.

As I quickly finish dressing myself, my mind is racing for what I am

about to do. Playboy enters my room through the backdoor into my

bathroom as I am dressing from my walk-in closet.

Papa: What's up, bro? I thought you were going to wait for me.

Aren't you going to watch?

Playboy: What? Are you going to open her?

Papa: Of course. [i think to myself 'Of course, I am Papa']

Playboy: Hang-on. I've got to see this! TwentySix, are you coming?

TwentySix: Nah. I'll wait for the field report.

Papa: Alright, Playboy, let's go.

As I walk down the hill towards the Sunset Strip, Playboy and I

discuss my plans on how to proceed.

Papa: Dude, where is she.

Playboy: She is at the corner in the restaurant.

Papa: Is she outdoors?

Playboy: Yes.

Papa: Bro, I'm not sure what to do. Is there a place to sit?

Playboy: I believe there is one seat. Just go over there and open

them with an opinion opener.

Papa: Dude, I'm not sure. I don't know what to say.

Playboy: Just go up to her and say, `Hey, what's up. It's Papa. We

met at Poquito Mas.'

Papa: No. That won't work. It should be as if I don't remember her

until later. That would be cooler.

Playboy: Man, I don't know how you are going to do it then. Just

walk by her table by the outdoor patio and open her.

Papa: I can't just open her from the outside. I've tried that before

and that doesn't work. I have to sit with her and her friends. I'm

not sure what to do exactly. Wow, what do I say? I'm not sure. I

have no idea what I'm going to say.

Playboy: No, it's no problem, dude.

Papa: Man, I don't have my routine stack. I am not sure what to do?

Damn. I need to go in the field more.

Playboy: Dude, you are so ready for this. Here, come with me for a

second. [stopping to the sideroad]. You don't have to do this, man.

Papa: I don't know if I can do this. I have to do this though.

Playboy: No. You don't. You should though. What did you say to her

last time?

Papa: I opened her with the jealous girlfriend opened; followed by

the cartoon Britney Spears mini-cold read; followed by the cube;

with some stories about parties; and then a phone number bridge.

Playboy: Just walk-by, stop, and open.

Papa: I can't do that. Let's go inside the restaurant so I can open

her. I'm sure she is sitting, maybe eating. I've got to sit with


Playboy: Ok. We can go inside.

As we walk into the restaurant, Playboy checks out her table as we

proceed to walk indoors.

Playboy: It's a 5-set now.

Papa: How many other guys are there?

Playboy: One.

Papa: Damn, the empty seat is taken now. Ok. Let's go inside and get

a drink.

As we enter the restaurant, the head waitress comes by.

Papa: Hey, we are just going to get a bottle of still water and 2

glasses of ice.

Waittress: Ok. Then, just go to the bar. You don't need a waitress.

I get the water and sit down at a table with Playboy, and begin to

discuss our plans.

Papa: I've got to open to go out there and open the set.

Playboy: Just open with the dogs opener; followed by the eye

accessing cues; and then the lying game.

Papa: Dude, I can't do that. I am not that good at the eye-accessing

cues routine. Maybe I should just open with jealous GF (said as a

nervous joke).

Playboy: No.

Papa: Hey, I'll be right back. I gotta go to the bathroom.

I go to the bathroom and take a piss and come back to the table to

engage Playboy.

Papa: Ok. Here's what I've gotta do. I have to get a table with her.

There's a table next to her table. We'll sit down and I'll open.

Playboy: The head waitress said we can't go outside for a table.

Papa: Why is that?

Playboy: She said that the waitress outside wouldn't handle it as

we'd have to order food.

Papa: Sh*t! You shouldn't have talked to her. We should have just

gone outside and done it. I have to sit down with her if I am going

to engage her set.

Playboy: No. You don't. Just go over there.

Papa: Dude, this is the plan. We'll just tell the waitress that

we'll order food. If I have to order an appetizer to get something

rolling with this, then it's worth it.

While I am saying this, a dude and a girl come by and start taking

pictures with Paris and her friends.

Papa: Sh*t! Some random people are starting to take their picture

with her.

Playboy: [looks over behind himself to see the picture-taking] Wow,

she is with her sister too. We better get to that table before those

two others steal the table from us.

Papa: Ok. Wait up. I'll order dessert. [Papa calls over the

waitress] Please bring over a dessert menu. I'm not going to order

yet. I just want to see what you got.

After noticing that there is Torfu Ice Cream, which sounds like easy-

to-eat non-finger food, I decide that's that I was going to get. It

was a perfect excuse to get something to eat.

Papa: [calling over the waitress] We're going to get some dessert

and we'll eat it outside.

Waittress: Ok.

As I walk outside, my mind is racing, and I head towards Paris'

table; however, the waitress stops me.

Waittress: Hey, you cannot sit there. That is a table for 4.

Playboy: Papa, we can't sit there.

Waittress: Guys, please sit over here. [she clears off a table at

the opposite end of the patio by the entrance to the restaurant].

I am thinking to myself that I am foiled.

Papa: Sh*t! Now, I can't do this.

Playboy: Sure, you can. Just go over there and open. Here, give me

your digicam. [i give Playboy my digicam]

Papa: Should I be like one of those guys who just takes a picture

with her?

Playboy: You've got to take a picture with her during the

interaction. Here, I'll pretend like I am on my cell phone, and then

I'll join you. Then, I'll take your pic. Did you tell her last time,

that you needed a female opinion?

Papa: Yes.

I notice my cell phone ringing. It's Alphamale as he had planned

that I meet him at a new club with his girlfriend and pivots (one of

who is a hot Asian babe that Alphamale has been working on hooking

me up with). This is more important so I do not answer.

Papa: Dude, how do I get you to come over? Wave you over?!?

Playboy: Dude, just go.

Papa: It's not going to work. Why can't we just take over the table

over there?

Playboy: The waittress won't let us take the table because it's

meant for 4 people.

Papa: Damnit. Ok. I'll call Twentysix.

I call Twentysix and invite him over (hoping that 3 or 4 people

would come over so that I could occupy the table next to Paris'),

and also call Alphamale, but don't get ahold of him. After thinking

that it may be too difficult to get 4 people, and noticing that

there is another table next to me that the waittress would ask me to

move to if I got another 2 people, I came to the conclusion that I

might not be able to get the good fortune of an ideal situation to

approach her.

Suddenly, Paris splits away from her group, walks into the

restaurant, and appears to be talking on her cell phone. Paris is

wearing a simple, yet pretty, blue dress. She looks at me from

inside the restaurant through a window; then, she heads into the


Playboy: Dude, now is your chance.

Papa: Give me back my camera. [Playboy gives Papa the camera] Ok.

Now's my chance.

I go into the restaurant and head to the bar and order an orange

juice so that when Paris leaves the bathroom, I can quickly walk

over to her and open her. However, after the orange juice came, I

needed an excuse to stay longer and wait in the main room without

being seated. So I ask for sugar, and slowly take my time placing

sugar in the orange juice. Then, I stall, and get a straw. My heart

is racing as I wait for Paris to come out of the bathroom.

She was taking too long so I walk towards the entrance of the

restaurant near the window, and pretend that I am on my cell phone

talking so it looks like I am not just waiting for her. Suddenly,

she comes out and I hear Paris talking to a waiter near the kitchen.

Paris: Sir, is there a backdoor entrance to the parking lot?

Waiter: Yes, come with me through the kitchen.

Paris walks with the waiter out the back door and I return to the

outdoor patio to meet up with Playboy, who is now sitting with

TwentySix. A waitress is hovering over our table and since I wanted

to make sure she didn't hear me talk about Paris, I wrote a note to

Playboy, saying, "Paris said she wanted to go out the backdoor. I

think I gave her too much proximity and she saw me hovering."

Papa: Dude. I think it's over.

Playboy: No way, dude. She totally didn't notice us. She didn't even

look over at our table once.

Papa: No. It's not the time. It's over this time. I'll have to wait

until next time. She went out back. [i give the paper note to

TwentySix to read]

Playboy: Just open her. I mean, she's probably gone already, but if

she returns, you should just open her.

Papa: Dude, I have absolutely no approach anxiety. I am just

thinking strategically and logically. I'll see her again. This time

though, I can't do it.

Playboy: That's a fools way of thinking. Dude, you'll be kicking

yourself if you don't do this now.

Suddenly, I see Paris walking inside the restaurant towards the

restaurant entrance to the patio. I'm thinking, "She is a lone wolf

now. It's time to play and she's coming for me."

I immediately get up, walk past the waitress, stop, and open her. As

I open her, I pivot, start the conversation, and open her over the

shoulder, and slowly face her as I engage in the conversation. She

stops walking, turns around and listens with a calm body-posture and

a relaxed smile.

Papa: Hey, I need a female opinion. I'm thinking about moving into a

house with all female roommates. Well, I just got back into town

with my mate from Australia, and so I don't really know the girls.

And I know that it'll be 3 times the girlfriend problems.

Paris: Hee, hee. [smiles]

Papa: Well, 3 times the boyfriend problems. And I know that...they


Paris: Hey, I lived in a house in the same situation before…with 3


Papa: 3 Playmates?

Paris: Yeah. It was a pretty cool situation and we had a great time


Papa: Cool. Hmmm. I have an intuition about you.

Paris: Oh, yeah! [she smiles]

Papa: :Yeah. I bet I can tell you things about you that nobody else

knows about you, just by asking you 3 questions. Here, come with me.

Paris: Wait a sec. [Paris goes out to the entrance and shouts out to

her friends.] Guys, I'll be right back.

Papa: [i walk to the middle of the restaurant and she follows me]

Here, I'll ask you 3 questions. Where was the last place that you

went on vacation?

Paris: Sweden. I just got back from there.

Papa: Ok. Cool. How many people did you go with?

Paris: 5.

Papa: And what your favorite thing that you did there?

Paris: Well, I did some cool water sports and it was great fun.

Papa: Hey, you can stop right there. I already know. See, when you

answered your third question, you looked up and to the right. That

means that you are more of a visual person. You are the kind of

person that is much more imaginative than a logical-kind of person.

Also, are you close with your father?

Paris: Oh, yeah.

Papa: That makes sense because you looked up and to the right and

then your eyes went up and to the left. That means that you are

pretty close with your father. I'm like that also.

Paris: Cool.

Papa: Hey, what's your horoscope?

Paris: Aquaius.

Papa: Really? Hmm. You don't seem like an Aquarius.

Paris: [smiles] Yeah?

Papa: Yeah. I'm a Scorpio. You know, you look familiar.

Paris: Yes, I've met you before. I met you when you just moved here.

Papa: Oh, yes! Pita pit, right?

Paris: Well, it was something like that…or some other restaurant

around there.

Papa: Yeah…Poquito Mas. [i point at her for a sec as if I just

recalled] Yes. Paris?!?

Paris: Yes.

Papa: Rock on. Nick. [i shake her hand] I remember I gave you call

the night of the Grammy's to invite you to an after-party.

Paris: Oh, my ex-boyfriend deleted all the phone numbers I had in my

phone of guys.

Papa: Well, I'm going to be throwing a party in a couple weeks. You

should definitely roll with us. Let's exchange contact info.

Paris: Yes. Definitely. I'd love to.

Papa: Cool, what's your phone number?

Paris: [she gives me her phone number] Cool.

Papa: Great.

Paris: [she leans in, smiles, looks into my eyes, and gives me a


Papa: [i give her a kiss back] Hey, let's take a picture together.

[i give my digicam to the waiter and tell him how to use the camera

and we take a pic together] Awesome.

Paris: Cool, see you later, Sweetie.

Papa: Bye.[smiles a super-big smile]

I return to the table with the boys and don't look back to the table

of Paris as if it was not a big deal at all.

Papa: Well, boys, I got a phone number, a kiss, and a picture.

TwentySix: That's awesome. [2-6 looking at Papa with a smile]

Playboy: Yeeeess! Awesome, show me the pic.

Papa: [shows digicam pic of Paris and I] Yes, that right. This is

why I plan the game. I am Papa. That's right.

Playboy and Twentysix: Hahahahaha. Awesome.

Papa: Yes. I had to do it. This is why I play the game boys. This is

what all the training is for. It's for that look of respect that I

get when I look into your eyes. It's because…I…am…Papa!

Playboy: Yes, I am so glad to be a part of this.

Paris and her table leaves and I wait around with the boys chit-

chatting so that we don't leave at the same time, and make it

obvious that we came down here solely because I wanted to pickup

Paris again.

Papa: Alright, boys. Let's go. This bill is on me. Dudes, she

remembered me.

Playboy: Of course she remembered you.

Papa: What do you mean...of course?

Playboy: Well, it's not often that a girl like her will actually get

approached by a guy, like you, who interacts with her, like the way

you can interact with her. And you are a really cool guy, bro.

Papa: [smiles] Yeah. I am Papa!!!

Playboy and TwentySix: Hahahahaa. [smiles]

Playboy calls Style to let him know the good news and lets him know

that it'd be great if he could hook me up with Bill Nuy's party

tomorrow (Style, I hope you can hook it up, bro), and it'd be great

if I can get Protocol with the limo ready to take Paris and I to the

party. We walk up the hill and joke around how it's something that

this is something that I will go home and post about right away.

Playboy: Now, that Party sounds like the plan. Your date to the

Grammys was just a warm-up for this. She is the same kind of girl.

Paris, though, is probably a little more savy.

TwentySix: Is this something that you care going to post about right


Papa: Yeah!

TwentySix: Man, what is Tyler going to say?

Papa: Should I give him a call?

TwentySix: Nahh! You should just post about it and let him find out

on his own as if this is not a big deal at all and it's just

something that you do.

Papa: Hahaha. Yeah. It's `been there and done that'. I've picked her

up before and have done it again.

Playboy: That was great, bro. Style is so surprised. He was

like, `No way. That's great.'

Papa: Man, my heart was racing the whole time, and it still is. [and

I walk back to the my room at the Project Hollywood Mansion] Solid

Game, solid…I love it. I am Papa.

Well, the adventure continues, Friends. I sooo love the Game!!!



Foto di papa:

Beh che dire..un game davvero fenomenale. Ed il bello è che non aveva secondo la nomea di PUA Guru (che crea preselezione)..secondo voi visto l'impresa sargiare una celebrità come Paris in Italia è possibile usando il game?

Modificato da American Psycho
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[...].secondo voi visto l'impresa sargiare una celebrità come Paris in Italia è possibile usando il game?

Mah, guarda, qualunque HB tra i 25 ed i 30 anni in Italia si comporta come se fosse Paris Hilton, anzi, se la tira anche di più.

Non vedo tutta questa "impresa".

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Se non mi sbaglio anche Gambler ha rimorchiato Paris Hilton...

Ad ogni modo è sicuramente un'impresa interessante e il game di Papa è di ottimo livello però non credo che la Hilton sia, come dire, una ragazza molto difficile da conquistare...

  • Mi piace! 2
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The President

Sì, è stata un'impresa fantastica, ed il suo personale cubo è quello che uso anch'io. Tra l'altro lo stesso Papa ha modelizzato il celebre spin-kiss-close, un modo facile facile per k-chiudere una HB in discoteca...che devo assolutamente testare sul campo quanto prima.

Uno dei migliori a mio avviso, non a caso ha fondato RSD con Tyler Durden...anche se in The Game vengono molto sputtanati.

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Mah, guarda, qualunque HB tra i 25 ed i 30 anni in Italia si comporta come se fosse Paris Hilton, anzi, se la tira anche di più.

Non vedo tutta questa "impresa".

si certo, poi tornano a casa e ritrovano l'allegra famigliola che non arriva a fine mese

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un n-close non è niente, bisogna federe se poi l'ha f-chiusa. Ergo: il gioco finisce quando tu la stai penetrando.

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un n-close non è niente, bisogna federe se poi l'ha f-chiusa. Ergo: il gioco finisce quando tu la stai penetrando.

Quoto al 100%. E mi pare che Papa non ebbe mai alcun day 2 con la bella Paris, ne la penetrò. Conversazione, numeretto ed eventualmente hand job close autoprodotto, eheh :wanker:

Ho l'impressione che molti dei pua della vecchia guardia siano ragazzi normalissimi, tra cui papa.

Quelli che spaccavano erano altri. Tyler Durden era un genio ma a quanto ci riferiscono aveva anche paura di scopare quelle che ci stavano. Senz'altro utili le sue tattiche, ma finisce qui.

A proposito, ve ne dico una sui natural (altro che papa) che mi era venuta in mente oggi: il fratello della mia ex c'era un periodo che usciva contemporaneamente con...6 ragazze (una per ogni giorno della settimana con riposo di un giorno) e non sapeva nulla di game! Fonte ultra attendibile (la sorella, eheh).

Piuttosto sono interessato ad un pua di cui non trovo quasi nulla in circolazione: Brad P.

Sapete qualcosa al riguardo?

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Mentre ieri notte finivo di leggere the game ho notato la storia del sarge a paris hilton e ho cercato il report sul forum dove postava papa e l'ho trovato (davvero divertente).

Titolo: FR: The Seduction of Paris Hilton (Part II: Paris Kisses Papa)

Foto di papa:

Beh che dire..un game davvero fenomenale. Ed il bello è che non aveva secondo la nomea di PUA Guru (che crea preselezione)..secondo voi visto l'impresa sargiare una celebrità come Paris in Italia è possibile usando il game?

bhe sicuramente a te non serve nulla di questo...visto che sei un coglione! ahahahhahahahahaha!

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Quoto al 100%. E mi pare che Papa non ebbe mai alcun day 2 con la bella Paris, ne la penetrò. Conversazione, numeretto ed eventualmente hand job close autoprodotto, eheh :wanker:

Ho l'impressione che molti dei pua della vecchia guardia siano ragazzi normalissimi, tra cui papa.

Quelli che spaccavano erano altri. Tyler Durden era un genio ma a quanto ci riferiscono aveva anche paura di scopare quelle che ci stavano. Senz'altro utili le sue tattiche, ma finisce qui.

A proposito, ve ne dico una sui natural (altro che papa) che mi era venuta in mente oggi: il fratello della mia ex c'era un periodo che usciva contemporaneamente con...6 ragazze (una per ogni giorno della settimana con riposo di un giorno) e non sapeva nulla di game! Fonte ultra attendibile (la sorella, eheh).

Piuttosto sono interessato ad un pua di cui non trovo quasi nulla in circolazione: Brad P.

Sapete qualcosa al riguardo?

io l'ho fatto, proprio uguale! una al giorno tutti i giorni tranne il sabato! :D

ed anche mia sorella va raccontando in giro questa storia... ehm come si chiama la tua amica? :)

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io l'ho fatto, proprio uguale! una al giorno tutti i giorni tranne il sabato! :D

ed anche mia sorella va raccontando in giro questa storia... ehm come si chiama la tua amica? :)

eheh, i tuoi dati non corrispondono visto che sei di Napoli e lui di Paola. In ogni caso complimenti, hai ottenuto questo risultato da natural o usando tecniche da PUA?

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